Off Site Shredding Service Company


Off Site Shredding Service

Our customers trust us with their most important documents and client information. It’s a big responsibility that we take very seriously. Security of your information is our number one priority. Document Security is central to who we are and what we do. Our charge to protect our customer information as if it were our own is the basis of our company’s mission and our core values.
Our commitment is ongoing and evolving with new tools and techniques to better safeguard the assets under our company’s care. We make continual investments to secure our facilities and vehicles. We are very careful about the professionals we hire and how they’re trained to handle your material. We continue to look for ways to diversify our document shredding and media destruction portfolio, to date, we proudly offer:

off site shreddingOff Site Shredding Service:

Off-Site Shredding technology allows us to destroy up to 5000 pounds of documents an hour, saving you time and, more importantly, saving you money. No other company can match our document destruction rate that serves Greater Boston MA. Our truck allows us to pick up at our location and shred in our secure facility. This off-site document destruction service eliminates any chain of custody issues and gives you the assurance that your documents have been destroyed properly. All our clients receive a FREE Notarized certificate of destruction verifying the shredding of documents providing you a legal audit trail. More information

Drop Off Shredding Service:

Drop Off Shredding service is the most powerful and economical shredding service plan! Document shredding Service plan that was designed with consumers and small businesses in mind. While other large corporations nickel and dime you for everything they can; this secure document shredding plan will allow you to get the same benefits of secure and safe document destruction but without the high cost and hidden fees. You simply drop off your documents, files, statements in boxes, bags or bins, we secure the documents in lock bins and a shredding truck is dispatch to our location where final shredding takes place. A Notarized certificate of destruction is then mailed to your home or office for the additional peace of mind and audit trail purposes.


Residential Shredding Service:

Boston area residents have a new choice for their document shredding service, unlike the other large corporations, our company offers area residents a chance to safely secure their material at some of the lowest prices in Metro Boston. Our Residential Document Shredding service offers residents and local small home based businesses the opportunity to safely shred documents and comply with all HIPAA and privacy laws.

media_destruction_lowellMedia Destruction:

Your Hard Drive is full of Confidential information, it has become a target for identity theft. When Business and Charity organizations upgrade their computers, they often forget to destroy the data on the hard drives. This can be a high exposure risk to both company and its clients. We can provide a detailed report of media destruction that is serial number based.
Some programs erase the data, some just delete the files and directories on the drive and the actual data remains. Simply by using other available software, the information can be restored, giving someone access to confidential information believed to be destroyed. This leaves organizations vulnerable to lawsuits and being on wrong side of the law. If you are run a medical business keep in mind that HIPAA regulations require the shredding of all discarded medical documents including CDs and DVDs. You might also look at industrial shredders (high security) that retain the inner hub serial number so you can verify destruction of the media. If you use a service to destroy the data make sure they provide you an audit report, a certificate of destruction, and waiver of liability.

Acceptable Media:

Acceptable Media for our destruction service:
* Hard Drives: PC and Mac.
* Backup Magnetic Tapes.
* Floppy Disk.
* Zip Disks and peripheral Drives.
* Optical CDs, DVD Media.

For More information, call us at 978.851.0199 or Drop off your material at:
Neighborhood Parcel 262 Middlesex St | Lowell MA 01852
I usually don’t like to post things online, you guys deserve a big thank you for helping this old lady with her shredding. For months, I have been looking for someone to help me shred my statements and bank records that I collected all these years, some companies did not call me back others wanted too much money. You guys were great, the nice young man helped me offload my car, the best part of my experience was the price. I paid $56.00 for something that others wanted $250 Most affordable document shredding plan where your drop off your documents for shredding at our Facility in Tewksbury MA, this Pay As you Go is ideal for area residents and small businesses with budget in mind. No Transportation charges, hidden fees or environmental surcharges. Your office documents are secured and shredded then a certificate of destruction is mailed to you for your peace of mind.  Manyy G Tewksbury MA

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